昨年から、農業、食料と環境の大臣Arias Cañete氏は、動物を守るための法令を検討していると発表。法令は、犬猫の売買に関しての基本ルールを設定するための規制と飼い主の責任を問う。
動物への不適切な飼育や虐待の防止を明確に記すこの法令は、犬や猫に苦痛を与えるあらゆる行為を規制している。飼育放棄、犬猫の闘争、耳やしっぽなど体の 切断、ストレスや苦痛を与える可能性のあるエンターティンメントや広告への利用、他の動物の餌にするために使用すること、そして、獣医師による適切な安楽 死以外の方法で犬猫を殺すことなどが含まれる。
法令には“ペットショップへの流通禁止、商業目的で公共での展示やショーの禁止”も記載され、原則的にペットショップでの販売を禁止する。さらに、マイク ロチップによる個体証明ができない犬や猫の販売、寄付、里親に出すことも禁止とする。犬と猫の飼い主はもちろん、捨てれたペットのためのシェルターも、マ イクロチップによる個体証明が義務となる。
2014-07-13 11:47:42The Spanish government is considering banning the sale of dogs and cats in pet stores under a law aimed at protecting the rights and welfare of the animals.
Work on the bill began late last year with the minister for Agriculture, Food and Environment, Miguel Arias Cañete, stating that his department are working towards protecting the animals.
The legislation would set out a series of restrictions and responsibilities to establish the basic rules on trade and dog and cat ownership, with regular inspections and controls for compliance, and establishing a system of offenses and penalties.
In this draft which is set to be presented shortly, the law will only relate to dogs and cats, with the exception of “animals owned by the Ministries of Defence and the Interior and its autonomous bodies or assigned to the Security Forces and local police”.
Specifically featured in the bill are laws to prevent the mistreatment and torture of animals, in fact any action that results in the unnecessary harm to dogs and cats, including abandoning them, fighting, amputation of the ears or tail and parts thereof, the use for public entertainment or advertising that may cause distress, pain or suffering, using the animals for bait and killing cats and dogs without the express and authorised veterinary euthanasia methods.
Fundamentally, the text also states that “the marketing of animals in pet stores is prohibited, as well as exhibition and display to the public for commercial purposes”, thus banning the sale of these animals from pet shops. In addition, attempting to sell, donate or give up for adoption a dog or cat without identification by microchip will be prohibited. Owners of dogs and cats as well as shelters for abandoned pets, are subject to obligations to ensure the welfare of animals, which must have an identification microchip.
The financial penalties for breaking the law range from 100 to 3,000 euro fines for minor offenses, between 3,001 and 30,000 euro for serious offenses, and between 30,001 and 200,000 euro for those classed as very serious offenses.
Within that “very serious” category includes killing a cat or dog if not for approved reasons of animal welfare, animal health, public health, environmental or public order, using animals for fighting, neglect resulting in death, mutilations and the sale of animals in pet stores.